Monday, October 5, 2015

Pinyin Pronunciation and input 拼音发音及输入示范

Pinyin Pronunciation and Chinese Characters Input 

声母 Consonant
b p m f
d t n l
g k h
j q x
zh ch sh
z c s
y w

韵母表 Vowel
a o e i u ü
ai ei ui
ao ou iu
ie üe er
an en in
un ün
ang eng ing ong

Be aware:

“i” usually pronounces i, like 七,米,皮,笔 etc.

but when i follows zh,ch,sh,z,c,s,r, i pronounces ri, for example, 知,吃,是,自,此,四,日 etc.

besides, because keyboard doesn’t have ü, so “v” has been used for “ü”, for example: lv nv女.

“üe” and  “ün” are excepted, just type it normally, like yueyun云.

Set Up Pinyin input method / 设置拼音输入程序:

#pinyin, consonant, vowel,input, pronunciation,video