Showing posts with label grammar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grammar. Show all posts

Monday, March 8, 2021

过 and Compound Words👀

1.    过(Guò) ,basic meaning : cross

e.g.  过桥Guò qiáo),crossing the bridge.

        过马路Guò mǎlù),crossing the road.

2.    When 过 is compounded with other characters, 过 has other meanings.

过节Guòjié)celebrating the holiday or a specific day. 

e.g.我喜欢过节( I like I like holidays)。

过年,过春节Guònián,guò chūnjié)celebrating the Chinese lunar New Year.

e.g.    华人正在过年(Chinese is celebrating their lunar New Year.)

生日Guò shēngrì)celebrating the birthday.

e.g.    她今天过16岁生日 She's celebrating her 16 birthday today.

过节,feud,  n. 

e.g.    他和张有过节。(He has feud with Zhang few years ago.)

过往 / 过去 Guòwǎng/ guòqù)the passed time.

e.g.    过往的事情,想不起来了(Can't remember the pass)

过时Guòshí), old fashion

e.g.    她穿的这件衣服好多年了,都过时了。(The dress she has worn for many years is out of date.)

过失 / 过错 Guòshī/ guòcuò)mistake, fault

e.g.    因为他们的过失,这个项目要从头做起。(Because of their fault, this project has to be redone.)


e.g.    1号赛车超过了2号赛车。(Car number 1 surpasses car number 2.)

过分Guòfèn), unacceptable

e.g.    他开的玩笑太过分了。(His joke is unacceptable.)

3.    When 过 following a verb, it forms a past tense.

e.g.    他当保安前,学过几年功夫。(He learned Kong Fu for several years before becoming a security guard.)

e.g.    他当过5年兵。(He was a soldier for 5 years.)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Conditional Clause假设从句

1,将来发生的 (for the futurereal or unreal, likely or unlikely)
常用假设词Common conditional words:
·        如果……oror就会……  (If…will…)
·        假如......or or就会……(if…will…)

For example:
假如 我中了乐透,我环游世界。
(If I win the lottery, I’ll travel around the world.)

These tow forms below are usually used to predict bad things that will happen.
·        一旦……就……( Once …then; in case…then) ;
·        万一……就……  (In case…then…)

For example:
万一飞机误点,你赶不上下一班飞机了。(In case the plane is delayed, you will not be able to catch the next flight.)

一旦飞机误点,你赶不上下一班飞机了。(Once the plane is delayed, you will not be able to catch the next flight.

2,过去或现在都没有发生的 (It didn’t happen in the past and present)
Common conditional words
·        如果……就......
·        假如............
·        要是……就……了

If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world.

If I had won the lottery, I would have traveled around the world.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Grammar: Concession clause 让步从句

  • 即使……还是/依然
  • 即使……也要
  • 纵然……还是/依然/也……


(click the sentence to listen the pronunciation on google translate)
Although the weather was cold, we still went shopping at Black Friday.

Even it rains, he persists go jogging.

Although the challenge is tough , he still wants to win.

Even the sky falls, I'll stand up.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Using Adjective 使用形容词

1.  If adjective is followed by a noun, the adjective needs to add 的.

For example: 漂亮房子,高大树,很远山,动听音乐,好看电影

2.  If the adjective follows a noun, it usually add an adverb 很 or 非常 + adjective, no 的。

For example: 房子漂亮, 树高大,山远,音乐非常动听,电影非常好看

Friday, December 30, 2016

How to WISH in Chinese? 祝福

How to say WISH something in Chinese?

Using words 祝福, 祝,希望, 恭祝,恭贺, following by some kind words to express your best wishes.

祝福新年快乐!Happy New Year!
新年快乐!Happy New Year!
希望您新年快乐!Hope you a Happy New Year
恭贺新禧!Happy New Year!
恭祝生辰快乐!Happy birthday!
生日快乐!Happy birthday!
一切顺利!Hope everything is fine.
您健康长寿!Wish you have a healthy longevity.
百年好合!Best wish to your marriage for 100 years.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Grammar: Irregular phrase——打...and single word/compound word

original meaning is hit, but when 打 combines with other word, the meanings are different. e.g.

relates to hit
打球 play ball
打架 fight
打人 hit someone

no hit at all:
(click the sentence to know the pronunciation and meaning)
打车/打的 to take a taxi  例如:我打车过来的
打报告 reporting something to someone  例如:他向上司打报告
打水 go to a canteen to get water using a container 例如:去饭堂打水
打饭 go to a canteen to buy meal  例如:去饭堂打饭
打针 get/give an injection 例如:他生病了,需要打针
打毛衣 knitting  例如:她边看电视边打毛衣
打电话 to make a phone call 例如:他正在打电话。
打扫 clean up 例如:打扫房间

So, despite each single Chinese word has its clear meaning, but you'd better to read the compound word to figure out the specific meaning.

For the beginner it's not easy to conclude witch word is single word, which word is compound word because they all stick together. e.g.
想出   去散   步半   小时(incorrect)
想  出去 散步 半小时 (correct)。

There is no a certain way to distinguish single word or compound word except remember it one by one. Usually, noun and gerund are compound words, e.g. 电视看电视;毛衣,打毛衣。

Don't be afraid, practice makes perfect.

#grammar, word

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Self-Introduction 自我介绍

自我介绍句式Self introduction format:

您好/你好!我叫 (名字),很高兴认识您。 我来自(国家/地方)。
Nice to meet you. I'm....  I'm from...

您------敬语(with respect)

Friday, May 15, 2015

Grammar: Imperatives 祈使句

The imperative is a grammatical mood that forms commands or requests, including the giving of prohibition or permission, or any other kind of exhortation.

结构 Structure

1, 主语动词 + 宾语动词  (main) verb  +  (object) verb

For example:
No Smoking!
禁止 = prohibit
吸烟 = smoking

Don't move!
 = do not
 = move

2,  单一动词  verb

For example:
Let's go!
出发= leave


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Grammar: Exclamatory Sentence 感叹句

(too) + 形容词(adj)+ (modal particle)
(truly)+ 形容词(adj) + (modal particle)


So cute!

Very beautiful!


Friday, February 27, 2015

Grammar: Interrogative Sentence 疑问句式

1, Subject + verb   +  Interrogative pronouns
           主语     +  谓语  + 疑问代词

Interrogative pronouns:什么(what),  哪里(where),

For example:

Nǐ qù nǎlǐ
你去哪里?(Where are you going?)

你 = you
去 = go
哪里 = where

Nǐ zuò shénme
你做什么?(What do you do?)


2,Using 什么时候(when), 怎样(how),  it should be:
      subject  +  Interrogative pronouns + verb

Nǐ shénme shíhòu lái
你什么时候来?     (When are you going to come?)

Nǐ zěnyàng zuò
你怎样做?  (How do you do it?)


3,谁(Who )

      谁 can be subject or object

For example:

Shuí láile
谁来了?(Who came?)

Nǐ shì shuí
你是谁?(Who are you?)

4, 吗 (Question word, used in the end of a sentence,)

Fox example:

Nǐ chī le ma
Have you eaten (your meal)?

Nǐ gāoxìng ma
Are you happy?


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Grammar: Affirmative and Negative 肯定和否定

Affirmative :  noun + verb    +   object


I             like         this movie
Wǒ        xǐhuān    zhè bù diànyǐng
我        喜欢       这 部 电影

Negative :noun  +    +  verb  +  object


I don't like this movie.

There are other words for negative sentence:

(don't )



Wù                  Fēi
(don't),(not) --------- only used in some certain sentences.


Yǎnkàn shǒu wù dòng
眼看手动               (watch it, but don't touch it)

Fēi bǐ xúncháng
比寻常          (unusual)


Monday, February 23, 2015

Grammar: Single Word and Compound Word 字和词

In Chinese language, each single word has a meaning, but compound word is more precise and different.

For example:


Kāi),originally means open, but when it compounds with other word, it has different meaning.

1, 开 + 门 =  开门Kāi mén) open the door
2, 开 + 始 =  开始Kāi shǐ)  start
3, 开 + 学 =  开学Kāi xué) school year starts
4, 开 + 车 =  开车  (Kāi chē)driving a car
5, 开 + 水 =  开水  (Kāi shuǐ)boiling water
6, 开 + 端 =  开端Kāiduān)beginning


If verb 开 follows a verb or noun, it usually indicates a status. For example:

想开了   ---- no long entangled with something, released from a kind of sulk. 
For example: 他终于想开了,不再纠结在失恋的痛苦中。(He no longer entangled from the pain of being dumped by his lover)

走开  ---- go away
闪开---- go away
踢开 ---- kick something out away
水开了 ---- water is boiling

不要怕,practice makes perfect.
