1. 过(Guò) ,basic meaning : cross
e.g. 过桥(Guò qiáo),crossing the bridge.
过马路(Guò mǎlù),crossing the road.
2. When 过 is compounded with other characters, 过 has other meanings.
过节(Guòjié),celebrating the holiday or a specific day.
e.g.我喜欢过节( I like I like holidays)。
过年,过春节(Guònián,guò chūnjié),celebrating the Chinese lunar New Year.
e.g. 华人正在过年(Chinese is celebrating their lunar New Year.)
过生日(Guò shēngrì),celebrating the birthday.
e.g. 她今天过16岁生日 She's celebrating her 16 birthday today.
过节,feud, n.
e.g. 他和张有过节。(He has feud with Zhang few years ago.)
过往 / 过去 (Guòwǎng/ guòqù),the passed time.
e.g. 过往的事情,想不起来了。(Can't remember the pass)
过时(Guòshí), old fashion
e.g. 她穿的这件衣服好多年了,都过时了。(The dress she has worn for many years is out of date.)
过失 / 过错 (Guòshī/ guòcuò)mistake, fault
e.g. 因为他们的过失,这个项目要从头做起。(Because of their fault, this project has to be redone.)
e.g. 1号赛车超过了2号赛车。(Car number 1 surpasses car number 2.)
过分(Guòfèn), unacceptable
e.g. 他开的玩笑太过分了。(His joke is unacceptable.)
3. When 过 following a verb, it forms a past tense.
e.g. 他当保安前,学过几年功夫。(He learned Kong Fu for several years before becoming a security guard.)
e.g. 他当过5年兵。(He was a soldier for 5 years.)