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Showing posts with label 视频. Show all posts

Monday, August 2, 2021

Learn Some Words About WATER 学一些关于“水”💧的词

Recently, flash flood stormed many countries, the most shocking disaster could be Zhengzhou's fatal flood that submerged the subway tunnel and a 5 km freeway tunnel that caused unknown dead toll. Rest in Peace 🙏

Some words about WATER.

水  --- water

溪水 --- stream water 

河水  ---   River water

江水 ---  in Chinese, 江 is bigger than 河

海水 --- seawater

洪水  --- flood

大雨  ---  heavy rain

Qīngpén dàyǔ
倾盆大雨 ---  raining cats and dogs

Some kind of drinking water

Kuàngquán shuǐ
矿泉水  --- spring water

蒸馏水  ---  Distilled water

自来水 ---  tap water

白开水  ---  plain boiled water

Bīng shuǐ
冰水 ---  ice water

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Slang: 不吃这一套 Not give a damn

(not)   (eat) (this) 一套 (set of ) 


Meaning - Someone doesn't care whatever the other people's pressure or threats on him/her.  It's similar to "Not give a damn" or "Not give a shit" in English.


For example:


你别吓我,我不吃这一套。(Don’t threaten on me, I don't give a damn.)


他不吃这一套,我们要换个方法对付他。(This strategy doesn’t work on him, we need to find another way to deal with him.)

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Slangs from Foods 来自饮食的俚语

甜酸苦辣—— The original meaning: sweet, sour, bitter, spicy. The derive meaning - various experiences from life.

e.g.     他活到这个岁数,人生的甜酸苦辣都尝遍了。

At his age, he has experienced everything in life, including happiness or disaster.

柴米油盐酱醋茶——The original meaning: firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea. The derive meaning: Trivial essential things in life.

e.g.    生活就是柴米油盐酱醋茶。

Life is all about the trivial essential things.

——The original meaning: spicy. When 辣 is compounded with 妹 or 妈,it means outgoing. e.g. 辣妹,outgoing girl. 辣妈,outgoing mom.

泼辣——outgoing, bold, not shy.

e.g.  这个女子很泼辣。

This woman is fearless.

甜滋滋——The original meaning: sweet.  The derive meaning: happy.

e.g. 这位妈妈在母亲节收到孩子的礼物,心里甜滋滋的。

This mom got mother's day gifts from her kids, feeling very happy.

甜蜜蜜——The original meaning: sweet. The derive meaning: happy.

e.g.    大家祝福这对新人生活永远甜蜜蜜。

Everyone wishes this newly-wed a happy life forever.

苦哈哈——The original meaning: bitter. The derive meaning: bitter, difficult.

e.g.    因为疫情,很多餐馆都少了很多客人,苦哈哈地撑着。

Many restaurants have lost lots of costumers because of the pandemic, they're struggling to keep on. 

酸溜溜——The original meaning: sour. The derive meaning: combination of jealous and dejected.

e.g.    他的同事升职了,他心里酸溜溜的不是滋味。

His coworker got promotion, he feels dejected.

吃醋——The original meaning: to sip vinegar. The derive meaning: envy of someone because of affection

e.g.    那人因为女友和别的男人打情骂俏而大为吃醋。

That man was jealous because his girlfriend flirted with other men.

醋意——The original meaning: vinegar, The derive meaning: jealousy.


She couldn't hide her jealousy when she saw her man ingratiated other girl.

刀子嘴,豆腐心——The Original meaning: knife mouth, tofu heart. The derive meaning: tough word but soft heart.

e.g.     他这个人刀子嘴,豆腐心,没有恶意。

This guy is tough in mouth but soft in heart, hasn't any hostility.

Friday, January 22, 2021

搞-Do, Multiple Meanings

搞 Gǎo, basic meaning-do.

他在什么?What is he doing? (something bad)

Other meanings:

e.g.病毒得全世界停摆了。Pandemic causes world-while shutdown.

making, engaging
e.g. 小王和小孙在搞对象。Wang and Sun are falling in love.

e.g. 他不知在哪了一辆自行车。He got a bicycle from somewhere.

having affair with, rape
e.g. 那家伙风流成性,到处搞女人。That guy is a sex addict, and has affair with many women.

difficult to deal with
e.g. 这个人很难搞。 This person is difficult to deal with.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Learn words about personality😃😊😡😢 学几个描写性格的词

乐观 optimistic

e.g. 这个人生性乐观。This guy is born optimistic. 

开朗 cheerful

e.g. 这个人个性开朗。 This person has a cheerful personality.

豁达 open-minded

e.g. 他这个人很豁达,能包容不同的意见。 He's very open-minded and can tolerate different opinions.

情绪化 emotional

e.g. 他是个很情绪化的人,做事冲动。He's a very emotional person, acting impulsively.

火爆 grumpy

e.g. 他是个脾气火爆的人。 He's a grumpy man

大方,慷慨 generous

e.g. 他出手大方,送人的礼物都很名贵。He's very generous, the gifts he gave the receivers are very expensive.

e.g. 如果我像盖茨那么有钱,我也会像他那么慷慨捐钱做公益。If I'm as rich as Bill Gates, I would generously donate lots of money to charities.

乖巧 lovely

e.g. 她是个乖巧的女孩,每个人都喜欢她。 She's a lovely girl, everyone likes her.

多愁善感 Sentimental

e.g. 她是个多愁善感的女孩,像林黛玉一样。She's a very sentimental girl, like Lin Daiyu.

*Lin Daiyu is a character in Chinese classical novel Dream of the Red Chamber. She's a delicate, talent, unhappy and very sentimental orphan living with countless relatives in a grand view garden. Now, Lin Daiyu 林黛玉 or sister Lin 林妹妹 is a synonym of a sentimental girl.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Slang俚语: 我没吃过猪肉,还没见过猪跑?I‘ve never eaten pork, haven't I seen pigs run?


The literal meaning- I‘ve never eaten pork, haven't I seen pigs run?

The actual meaning - Although I haven't experienced that situation, I knew it from other ways.

e.g.  张三老爱吹嘘自己的房子多气派,其实,他的房子算什么呀。我没吃过猪肉还没见过啊?我房产经纪,见过的豪宅多了去了

Zhang San always loves to brag about how luxurious his house is. In fact, his house is nothing. Although I‘ve never eaten pork, haven't I seen a pig run? When I was a real estate agent, I had seen lots of  luxury houses.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Slang: 可不是吃素的 the person is not as weak or nice as you think

可不是吃素的,the literal meaning is "not a vegetarian", but the actual meaning is "the person is not as weak or nice as you think".

e.g.     那家伙可不是吃素的,你提防着点。
           That guy is not easy to deal with, you have to be careful.