Thursday, February 25, 2021

Slangs from Foods 来自饮食的俚语

甜酸苦辣—— The original meaning: sweet, sour, bitter, spicy. The derive meaning - various experiences from life.

e.g.     他活到这个岁数,人生的甜酸苦辣都尝遍了。

At his age, he has experienced everything in life, including happiness or disaster.

柴米油盐酱醋茶——The original meaning: firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea. The derive meaning: Trivial essential things in life.

e.g.    生活就是柴米油盐酱醋茶。

Life is all about the trivial essential things.

——The original meaning: spicy. When 辣 is compounded with 妹 or 妈,it means outgoing. e.g. 辣妹,outgoing girl. 辣妈,outgoing mom.

泼辣——outgoing, bold, not shy.

e.g.  这个女子很泼辣。

This woman is fearless.

甜滋滋——The original meaning: sweet.  The derive meaning: happy.

e.g. 这位妈妈在母亲节收到孩子的礼物,心里甜滋滋的。

This mom got mother's day gifts from her kids, feeling very happy.

甜蜜蜜——The original meaning: sweet. The derive meaning: happy.

e.g.    大家祝福这对新人生活永远甜蜜蜜。

Everyone wishes this newly-wed a happy life forever.

苦哈哈——The original meaning: bitter. The derive meaning: bitter, difficult.

e.g.    因为疫情,很多餐馆都少了很多客人,苦哈哈地撑着。

Many restaurants have lost lots of costumers because of the pandemic, they're struggling to keep on. 

酸溜溜——The original meaning: sour. The derive meaning: combination of jealous and dejected.

e.g.    他的同事升职了,他心里酸溜溜的不是滋味。

His coworker got promotion, he feels dejected.

吃醋——The original meaning: to sip vinegar. The derive meaning: envy of someone because of affection

e.g.    那人因为女友和别的男人打情骂俏而大为吃醋。

That man was jealous because his girlfriend flirted with other men.

醋意——The original meaning: vinegar, The derive meaning: jealousy.


She couldn't hide her jealousy when she saw her man ingratiated other girl.

刀子嘴,豆腐心——The Original meaning: knife mouth, tofu heart. The derive meaning: tough word but soft heart.

e.g.     他这个人刀子嘴,豆腐心,没有恶意。

This guy is tough in mouth but soft in heart, hasn't any hostility.

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