Meaning - Someone doesn't care whatever the
other people's pressure or threats on him/her. It's similar to "Not
give a damn"
or "Not give a shit" in English.
For example:
你别吓我,我不吃这一套。(Don’t threaten on me, I don't give a damn.)
他不吃这一套,我们要换个方法对付他。(This strategy doesn’t work on him, we need to find another way to deal
with him.)
韭菜 - chive, a perennial plant related to the onion and having slender leaves used as a vegetable in China. Chives grow quickly and can be harvested many times during the growing season.
Recently, 韭菜 has a derived meaning - the lowest class people. 割韭菜 (harvesting the chives), meaning - the government make the people suffer by the unfair policies.
The literal meaning- I‘ve never eaten pork, haven't I seen pigs run?
The actual meaning - Although I haven't experienced that situation, I knew it from other ways.
e.g. 张三老爱吹嘘自己的房子多气派,其实,他的房子算什么呀。我没吃过猪肉,还没见过猪跑啊?我当房产经纪时,见过的豪宅多了去了。
Zhang San always lovesto bragabouthow luxurioushis house is. In fact, his house is nothing. Although I‘ve never eatenpork, haven't I seen a pig run? When I was a real estate agent, I had seen lots ofluxury houses.
吃饱了撑的, literal meaning- the stomach is stretched after eating too much. It's used for blame people did silly things with their extra energies because they have nothing else to do. Those people never worry about the food while other people work hard to avoid starvation.
e.g. 他天天摆弄他的自行车,结果把车弄坏了。真是吃饱了撑的。
He fiddled with his bicycle every day, and ended up breaking it. It's silly.
空手套白狼(Kōngshǒu tào báilàng) original meaning is: caught the wolf without any tool but the empty hands. It's an analogy to someone gained lots of money without any Investment. Mostly those businesses are at a high risk, the ways they used are illegal or from the gaps of the law.
e.g. His company doesn't have any assets but he earned his first budget of god by reselling the imported car quotas.
有两把刷子(having tow brushes), meaning-possession of the means or skill to do something.
e.g. This company almost went out of business, but it has been recovered after the new manager took over, he's a competent person.