Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Slang 俚语:只见贼吃肉,没见贼挨打

 只only见see 贼thief吃eat肉meat,没didn't见see贼thief挨打was beaten,

The literal meaning - only see the thief eat the meat, didn't see the thief being beaten.  

The actual meaning - Don't envy those money obtained by improper means.

e.g.  别羡慕那家伙外表风光,你是只见贼吃肉,没见贼挨打,他其实好赌成性,一身烂债。

     Don’t envy that guy’s appearance. You only saw the thief eat meat and didn’t see the thief being beaten. He's actually a gambler and a bad debt.

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