Friday, January 22, 2021

搞-Do, Multiple Meanings

搞 Gǎo, basic meaning-do.

他在什么?What is he doing? (something bad)

Other meanings:

e.g.病毒得全世界停摆了。Pandemic causes world-while shutdown.

making, engaging
e.g. 小王和小孙在搞对象。Wang and Sun are falling in love.

e.g. 他不知在哪了一辆自行车。He got a bicycle from somewhere.

having affair with, rape
e.g. 那家伙风流成性,到处搞女人。That guy is a sex addict, and has affair with many women.

difficult to deal with
e.g. 这个人很难搞。 This person is difficult to deal with.

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