Saturday, January 2, 2021

Learn words about personality😃😊😡😢 学几个描写性格的词

乐观 optimistic

e.g. 这个人生性乐观。This guy is born optimistic. 

开朗 cheerful

e.g. 这个人个性开朗。 This person has a cheerful personality.

豁达 open-minded

e.g. 他这个人很豁达,能包容不同的意见。 He's very open-minded and can tolerate different opinions.

情绪化 emotional

e.g. 他是个很情绪化的人,做事冲动。He's a very emotional person, acting impulsively.

火爆 grumpy

e.g. 他是个脾气火爆的人。 He's a grumpy man

大方,慷慨 generous

e.g. 他出手大方,送人的礼物都很名贵。He's very generous, the gifts he gave the receivers are very expensive.

e.g. 如果我像盖茨那么有钱,我也会像他那么慷慨捐钱做公益。If I'm as rich as Bill Gates, I would generously donate lots of money to charities.

乖巧 lovely

e.g. 她是个乖巧的女孩,每个人都喜欢她。 She's a lovely girl, everyone likes her.

多愁善感 Sentimental

e.g. 她是个多愁善感的女孩,像林黛玉一样。She's a very sentimental girl, like Lin Daiyu.

*Lin Daiyu is a character in Chinese classical novel Dream of the Red Chamber. She's a delicate, talent, unhappy and very sentimental orphan living with countless relatives in a grand view garden. Now, Lin Daiyu 林黛玉 or sister Lin 林妹妹 is a synonym of a sentimental girl.

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