上火,it's from Chinese medicine, meaning the body organs get too much heat that causes illness, grumpy, acne....but nobody can figure out what exactly it is. Chinese usually use cold nature herb or food to cool down the "heat", they call it 去火.
土豪,it's used to label that kind of people who turned to the tycoon from the poor in a short time.
风水,the setting and environment that causes someone's luck, it's kind of superstition. For example: Mirror should not face a bed, otherwise, it will make people sick; Planting money tree, lucky bamboo can make people rich; A house or office door should not face a barbershop, because the barber always brandishes the scissor and knife, which threatens the harmony of the family or business.
煞气, be translated "evil spirit" by google translate, it's not very appropriate to this Chinese true meaning. 煞气 means there is a potential threat from a place or someone. For example, a house door should not face a barbershop or a busy road that toward the house door, because barbershop and busy noisy road 煞气 too much.
Got it? There are more words need you to explore.