Wednesday, March 14, 2018

😂Humor: People, You Are Lying 人啊,都不讲实话

说股票是毒品的,都在玩。They say, stock is drug, but they are still obsessed with it.
说金钱是罪恶的,都在捞。They say, money is sinful, but they fish it up desperately.
说美女是祸水的,都想要。They say, beauty is disaster, but they want them all.
说高处不胜寒的,都在爬。They say, high place is too cold to stand (high profile/position is too tough for life), but they all want to go higher.
烟酒伤身体的,就不戒。They say, cigarette and wine hurt your body, but they never quit.
天堂最美好的,都不去。They say, heaven is wonderful, but they don't want to go.