Monday, April 16, 2018

😂Humor: Medical Treatment 求医

俄罗斯笑话。有个人去求医说:“我明明听到自己不断放屁,但从来没闻到味道。不知道怎么回事。” 医生给他处方,病人离开。几天后,病人又去跟医生抱怨:“我现在闻到自己的屁很臭,但还是不停地放屁。”医生说:”上次治好了你的鼻子,这次要治你的重听了。“😂
Russia Humor
A guy sought for treatment from a doctor, said:"I obviously hear that I fart repeatedly, but I never smelled any. What's wrong?" The doctor gave him a prescription, the guy left. Few days later, the patient came back and complained:" I can smell my far that's very smelly, but I still hear my fart nonstop." The doctor said:" Last time I cured your nose problem, this time, let me cure your double hearing(diplacusis )."😂