Friday, May 18, 2018

Learn few words as Prince Harry's wedding begins countdown 王子大婚倒数 学几个词

英国王子哈利明天(5月19日)将与美国明星梅根·迈克尔在其皇家的温莎堡喜结连理(to tie the knot)

哈利是查尔斯王子和戴安娜的小儿子,其长兄威廉将作为弟弟的婚礼伴郎(best man)。威廉与凯特2011年结婚,拥有三个儿女。哈利是继其父、其兄,以及其兄三个孩子之后的英国王室第六顺位继承人。

梅根是美国洛杉矶出生成长的好莱坞影星,是黑白混血儿。她与哈利都热衷慈善活动,并因此相识相知相爱,进而缔结良缘(getting marry)。梅根是现实版的灰姑娘故事,让全球怀有灰姑娘梦想的女孩大受鼓舞,“我的未来不是梦“。

哈利王子是全球最受欢迎的钻石王老五(high profile bachelor),如今尘埃落定(setting down),不知又要让多少痴心女子心碎了。



百年好合 harmonious marriage forever
永结同心 soulmate forever
志同道合 soulmate
喜结良缘 marring happily
珠联壁合 best matching
比翼双飞 fly high together
心心相印 soulmate
爱河永浴 swimming in love river forever
白头偕老 together until the white hair cover the head
天长地久 be together as long as the sky and the earth

British Prince Harry will tie the knot with American celebrity Meghan Markle in Windsor castle in England tomorrow, May 19. 

Prince Harry is Prince Charles and Diana's younger son. His old brother is Prince William, will be Harry's best man on Harry's wedding. Prince William married Catherine Middleton in 2011 and has three children.  Harry is the sixth in the line of succession to the British throne following his father, brother and brother's three children. 

Meghan is white - black biracial Hollywood celebrity. Harry and Meghan both devote to charity activities, they met each other in the event and felt in love, then getting marry. Meghan is the realistic version of Cinderella, which encourages all the girls who have Cinderella dreams knowing "My future is not a dream". 

Harry is the most high-profile bachelor, now he is setting down with Meghan, that might make all other Cinderella heart broken. 

These days, the news about Prince Harry's  wedding was floating the TV and media, it has been a long time we haven't had a cheerful news to watch nowadays.  Wish this newlyweds live happily ever after.