Monday, August 3, 2020

“闹” Multiple Meanings

Nào,basic meaning - noisy, making noise.
e.g. 这个孩子有点闹人。This kid is a little bit noisy.
e.g. 这两人因为小事大闹了一场。Two guys have a big fight over a trivial matter.

But  has another meanings as well.

闹肚子, meaning - stomach upset.
e.g. 他不习惯喝牛奶,每次喝完牛奶就闹肚子。He isn't used to drink milk, he feels stomach upset after drinking milk every time.

闹离婚,meaning - fighting for divorce.
e.g. 那对夫婦正在闹离婚。That couple is getting divorced.

闹革命,it's a political term in China, meaning - join the revolution against the opposite party before CCP seized the power in mainland of China in 1949.
e.g. 毛年轻时就开始闹革命。Mao joined the revolution when he was young.

得不开心,不舒服,meaning - feeling upset because of something or someone.
e.g. 他因为没被升职跟上司闹得很不开心。He's upset by his superior over not being promoted.

得慌,a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
e.g. 疫情让人閙得慌。The pandemic makes people anxious.

闹水灾,flooding; 闹旱灾, drought; 闹虫灾,Pest infestation; 瘟疫pandemic. 闹 in these compound words mean - occur, happen.
e.g. 中国最近闹水灾很严重。The floods hit China severely recently.

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