Showing posts with label TV series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TV series. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2016

Learning Chinese While Watching TV Series 看电视剧 学中文

Comedy:大丈夫,离婚律师 (Mainland);就想赖着你,流星花园 (Taiwan)

Historical period Drama / fiction : 还珠格格,兰陵王,甄嬛传,(旧版的)红楼梦(1987),西游记(1986),三国演义(1994),水浒传(1998)

These TV series can be found on,  most of them provide caption. The last four were adapted from the ancient Chinese masterpieces. Bewaring the last two are war theme, depicting many bloody scenes.

For discussion, please go to Basic Chinese.