Showing posts with label gun control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun control. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2015

枪支管制 About gun control

We hear the gun rampage once in a while, from Sandy Hook Elementary school to yesterday's Oregon community college shooting, American suffered in it too much.

Europe bans gun, Asia bans gun, why not US?  2016, I only vote the president candidate who commits to gun control.

If anyone who pays close attention in Chinese news should know China controls gun strictly, as long as China holds an international event, even kitchen knifes are banned from selling in store. In contrast, American have too many guns in everywhere, it's scary.

愿死者安息,愿生者安宁。(click the words to hear pronunciation)
Yuàn sǐzhě ānxí, yuàn shēng zhě ānníng
May the victims rest in peace. May the alive people live with peace.

Words repress grief to someone's death:

节哀顺变----don't be sorrow, looking forward (usually for comfort someone who just lost family member)

哀悼----grieve over death
