Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts

Friday, October 12, 2018

Chicken Soup For The Soul 生活格言

Life is a mirror, you smile at it, it smiles at you too; You cry at it, it also cries at you.

As long as the road direction is right, then, it doesn't matter how far the destination will be.

Being angry is to punish yourself by other people's mistakes.

Someone's happiness is not because he owns more but because he calculates less.

Tiny happiness is around, heaven is wherever you satisfy easily.

No dream no achievement.

Two seeds, one forest.

The weak wash their face with tears, the strong strive up because of tears.

Being a person who works with love, behaves with gratitude.

Watching the mountain could calm yourself, watching the sea could have a big heart, watching the sky could make you looking for a higher goal.

Monday, September 3, 2018

The Ancient Chinese Philosophy 2:Self-Cultivation 修身养性


At age 15, studying hard;
At age 30, standing on my feet, achieved my goal; 
At age 40, no confusion;
At age 50, accepting my fate;
At age 60, knowing the true meaning that other people's say;
At age 70, following my hard and relaxing within the rule. 
----Lunyun. Politics, by Kong Qiu ( B.C. 551-B.C. 479) 

Saturday, July 28, 2018

The Ancient Chinese Philosophy:Four Happiness, Devastation and Pain 古人哲学:四喜、四悲、四苦

Four primary happiness: 
Raining after long drought;  Meeting an old friend in other township;  Newly wed's first night ;  Win the imperial examination.
人生四大喜: 久旱逢甘雨,他乡遇故知,洞房花烛夜,金榜题名时。

Four extreme devastation: 

Lost parents in childhood; Lost spouse in middle age; Lost the only son in senior;  No good mentor for the young son. 

Four tremendous pain:

1, Too stubborn in something;  2,  Being reluctant to give something out;  3, Can't afford to lose; 4, Can't let go something/someone.