Monday, October 26, 2015

Recommend food: Xian Shui Jiao 咸水角

 This is my homemade Cantonese food Xian Shui Jiao (salt water fried dumpling,咸水角).

Feature: crunchy outside, soft inside, good taste, very delicious.


Sweet rice flour and regular flour (1:1), salt, sugar, use hot water mix it, then knead it into a dough. 

Meat, vegetables, white pepper powder, salt. 

You can find it in Chinatown, Cantonese and Hong Kong restaurant provide morning tea always have it and other tapas, like siu mai(烧卖)、steam shrimp dumpling (虾饺)、soy bean skin roll(腐竹卷 )、sweet rice chicken(糯米鸡), these are called Dim Sum(点心).