Thursday, October 17, 2019

Polishing Your Chinese by Using Idiom 成语让你有文采

Idiom could make the sentences more concise, precise and profundity.

For example, if you describe a green mountain, if you said 这座山郁郁葱葱instead of 这座山很绿,that would wow your Chinese listener.

滔滔不绝(good in talk and could be endless)——这人很能讲,一开口就滔滔不绝。This person is very good in speech, once he opens his mouth, he could talk forever.

神采奕奕(looks good in spirit and physic,usually for aged people) ——这老人家看起来神采奕奕。This old person looks good in spirit.

大海捞针(searching for a needle in a sea, means in vain.)——如果你想找几年前丢的东西,简直是大海捞针。If you want to find your things that lost few years ago, it would be in vain.

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