Friday, January 31, 2020

Express your symptoms when you got sick 自我描述病情

* Matched colors refer related words in each phase.

MD:    Where do you feel uncomfortable?
医生 感觉 哪里 不舒服
Yīshēng: gǎnjué nǎlǐ shūfú

patient: running nose, fever, cough, sore throat, dizziness.
Bìngrén: Liú bíshuǐ, fārè, késòu, hóulóng tòng, tóuyūn

MD: You've got the flu, need to get the flu vaccine, take medicine, drink lots of water, and get some rest.
医生 流感 了, 需要 打 流感疫苗吃药 休息。
Yīshēng: liúgǎnle, xūyào dǎ liúgǎn yìmiáo, chīyào, duō shuǐ, xiūxí

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