Showing posts with label culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label culture. Show all posts

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Learn A Word:Where Where 哪里哪里

Humility is regarded a kind of politeness in China, moreover, it's a tactic to avoid being assaulted. So, when you talk to the Chinese, you'll loss your sense sometimes.  A popular joke can express this situation:

A foreigner talks to a guy, politely praising his wife is beautiful. This guy says, 哪里哪里(where where, in Chinese it means not at all for a humble attitude)。This foreigner looks this guy's wife from top to toes, replies: "anywhere".😂😜

哪里哪里 in Chinese means "It's not", is used as a humble attitude.😉

Monday, April 23, 2018

😛Popular Word: Princess Symptom 公主病

公主病 is used to describe a spoiled young female, who likes to be treated like a princess, combining narcissist, arrogant, unreasonable, grumpy and self-centered characters.

There is a saying, Asian women usually have 公主病. In contrast, European men have 王子病,prince symptom.  Maybe it's just a stereotype.😱

Saturday, April 21, 2018

👀You Should Avoid Calling Someone 小姐,秘书……

👀小姐 means Miss, but somehow 小姐's meaning has been changed in China nowadays, 小姐 is mostly indicated call girl or girl who works in nightclub providing porn service. If you call someone using miss, you should call her last name + miss. For example, 刘小姐,王小姐.  If you need to ask someone a question, just say 请问一下; If you are in a restaurant, call them 服务员。

In addition, Chinese girl doesn't like to be called 小姐, she doesn't like to be called 大姐/大婶 either, because 大姐/大婶 means kind of older, aging, style less, girl would rather to be looked younger. In Canton, people use 靓女(pretty girl) or 靓仔(hansom boy) to call someone is kind of popular, it can avoid misunderstanding or any trouble.

👀秘书 means secretary, but no any Chinese girl likes to be called a secretary, because a boss's secretary is usually understood as mistress. For this reason, a female works for boss likes to be called 助理 , assistant. For example, 小张是林老板的助理。

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

😂Humor: People, You Are Lying 人啊,都不讲实话

说股票是毒品的,都在玩。They say, stock is drug, but they are still obsessed with it.
说金钱是罪恶的,都在捞。They say, money is sinful, but they fish it up desperately.
说美女是祸水的,都想要。They say, beauty is disaster, but they want them all.
说高处不胜寒的,都在爬。They say, high place is too cold to stand (high profile/position is too tough for life), but they all want to go higher.
烟酒伤身体的,就不戒。They say, cigarette and wine hurt your body, but they never quit.
天堂最美好的,都不去。They say, heaven is wonderful, but they don't want to go.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

👀 What’s the taboo for Chinese-3 中国人的禁忌-3

📚 It is about the book. When Chinese are going to gambling, they hate to say BOOK🕮, because book is   pronounced SHU书,similar with 输(loss). Far more, they even avoid going to the bookstore or passing the bookstore and library before going to gambling. You may think it’s crazy and funny, but they’re very serious about it.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Happy the Year of Dog 狗年快乐(樂)

Today is Chinese lunar new year, year of DOG. Happy Chinese New Year!


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

👀 What's The Taboo for Chinese? (2) 中国人的禁忌 2

Remember, never give a clock to any Chinese, because clock钟 in Chinese pronunciation Zhong, exactly the same with 终 (the end).  If you send a clock (送钟) to someone, it sounds with 送终 (to accompany someone to his/her life's end).

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Trump's Granddaughter's Premiere with Chinese Song

This was President Trump's granddaughter's talent show he presented to Chinese. She was chanting 三字经、望庐山瀑布 and早发白帝城 and other two songs in this video. Adorable.

(唐朝  李白


(唐朝  李白)


宋朝  王应麟)

人之初  性本善
性相近  习相远
苟不教  性乃迁
教之道  贵以专
昔孟母  择邻处
子不学  断机杼
窦燕山  有义方
教五子  名俱扬
养不教  父之过
教不严  师之惰
子不学  非所宜
又不学  老何为
玉不琢  不成器
人不学  不知义
为人子  方少时
亲师友  习礼仪

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

👀What's The Taboo for Chinese?-1 中国人的禁忌-1

Every ethnicity has its taboos, what is for Chinese?👀

Number 4 is avoided by Chinese, because 4 is pronounced similar with "dead" in Chinese. In some new buildings, they even skip 4, 14, 24... floor, they call 4 floor 3a or 3b instead of 4 on the elevator buttons, just likes the Westerner resist the number 13.  Also, Chinese refuse number 4, 14, 44, 444,4444 for their door number.

In contrast, Chinese like 3, 13, 23, 33...because 3 the pronunciation is similar with "live" especially in Cantonese, that's totally upside down with the Western.

What's yours?

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Some Chinese Words to English---Impossible Task

上火,it's from Chinese medicine, meaning the body organs get too much heat that causes illness, grumpy, acne....but nobody can figure out what exactly it is. Chinese usually use cold nature herb or food to cool down the "heat", they call it 去火.

土豪,it's used to label that kind of people who turned to the tycoon from the poor in a short time.

风水,the setting and environment that causes someone's luck, it's kind of superstition. For example: Mirror should not face a bed, otherwise, it will make people sick; Planting money tree, lucky bamboo can make people rich;  A house or office door should not face a barbershop, because the barber always brandishes the scissor and knife, which threatens the harmony of the family or business.

煞气, be translated "evil spirit" by google translate, it's not very appropriate to this Chinese true meaning.  煞气 means there is a potential threat from a place or someone. For example, a house door should not face a barbershop or a busy road that toward the house door, because barbershop and busy noisy road 煞气 too much.

Got it? There are more words need you to explore.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Feng Shui 风水

Lots of Chinese believe Feng Shui (风水)for pursuing good luck, good health, wealth and more.  Buying house or looking for graveyard, how to lay out the furniture, all can cause some good or bad results. Let's watch how the people talk about 风水.   

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Duanwu Festival / Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

The Duanwu Festival, also often known, especially in the West, as the Dragon Boat Festival, is a traditional holiday originating in China, occurring near the summer solstice. It is also known as Zhongxiao Festival (Chinese忠孝节pinyinZhōngxiàojié), commemorating fealty and filial piety. The festival now occurs on the 5th day of the 5th month of the traditional Chinese calendar, which is the source of the festival's alternative name, the Double Fifth Festival.[1] The Chinese calendar is lunisolar, so the date of the festival varies from year to year on the Gregorian calendar. In 2016, it occurred on June 9; and in 2017, on May 30. Read more 

Amazing  Dragon Boat Race in Guangdong

International Dragon Boat Race in Hong Kong

Foreigners Won Dragon Boat Race in Taiwan 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Foreigners Talk About Chinese Studies 老外谈论学中文

Foreigners in Taiwan talk about Chinese studies on TV show. They complain that Chinese language is very difficult to learn. Maybe their experience can tell the common problem to all who are studying Chinese. Besides, this  TV series talk about Eastern and Western culture shocked a lot, it's worth watching. But the foreign guests on TV shows speak Chinese very well, it seems Chinese is not that hard to learn.

It's difficult to learn Chinese? 中文真的很难学吗?

Monday, April 3, 2017

Learn Chinese from songs 唱歌学中文

Teresa Teng邓丽君(1953-1995), born in Taiwan, is an iconic singer in Eastern Asia, especially in Taiwan and China. Her songs are all about love, parts are translated from Japanese songs, no matter it's  sweet, bitter, lonely and passionate, she can express the feeling in her unique beautiful voice.  Although Miss Teng passed away over 20 years, her songs are still very popular, has become a classic.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

How do the Chinese celebrate the lunar New Year? 华人如何过春节?

Today is the first day of the Year of the Rooster (鸡年). Chinese celebrating the lunar New Year lasts 15 days long.

Before the lunar new year, they like to make the wishes by writing "Dui Lian"(对联, couplet)  and adhere it on their front door.

At new year eve, it's a family time, all the family members get together with parents having a big dinner. Chinese love to have the food with homophone to good luck, money and happiness. They also like to light up the firecracker at the midnight to greet the new year at the first minute.

The following days, relatives, friends visit each other's home, sending the best wish, exchange gifts, the senior may give lucky money to the kids.

On the 15th day, it's the lantern festival, many places hold the colorful lantern show, it's beautiful and joyful. As the tradition, sweet rice balls are the featured dessert.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

推荐罗大佑的歌曲Recommended Lo Da Yu‘s Songs

罗大佑 Lo Da Yu is a genius song writer and singer from Hong Kong, his songs are very popular in east and south Asia. Lo's songs are not only beautiful by his melodies, but also by his poetic lyrics that touch people's heart deeply.   No matter how many years are past, his songs are still loved by the audience. The list below from is only a portion of Lo's works.

红尘滚滚 Red Dust. A bitter memory for the faded love.

东方之珠 The Pearl of The Orient.   It's a song for Hong Kong.

恋曲Love.  A man's memories to his sweetheart.

明天会更好 Wish The Best for Tomorrow.

童年 Childhood.  The sweet childish memories from the childhood.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Culture Shock When The East Meets The West 中西恋的文化冲突

Sounds not fun, watching Love Battle (爱情保卫战)
The foreign guests's Chinese are pretty good. 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Chinese Name (3)----The Facts of Chinese Name 中文名字的几个事实

1. The ancient Chinese people have 2 names, one is called 名,another one is called 字。For example: 诸葛(surname)(名first name),孔明(字another name);关(名),云长(字)。So, 名字 originally means 名 and 字。This tradition had been fading along of the revolution in the early 20th century, the last China emperor was forced to abdicate,  Republic of China was established.

2. Chinese women don't change their last name after marriage. So, don't mix up married woman's last name with her husband's last name.

3. Most of surnames are single character, only few are double, like : 诸葛,司马,慕容,欧阳,etc.