Thursday, September 24, 2020

Slang: 可不是吃素的 the person is not as weak or nice as you think

可不是吃素的,the literal meaning is "not a vegetarian", but the actual meaning is "the person is not as weak or nice as you think".

e.g.     那家伙可不是吃素的,你提防着点。
           That guy is not easy to deal with, you have to be careful.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Slang: 和尚打傘,无法无天 -Lawless

和尚monkholdingumbrella,无nolawnosky, it means: lawless.

When a monk holding an umbrella, neither there has 发(hair) nor sky under the umbrella.  发 has the same pronunciation with 法,people use 法 to replace 发, indicating a lawless situation.

e.g. 某些人以所谓不公的借口大肆抢掠商店,简直是和尚打伞,无法无天。
Some people used the excuse of so-called injustice to loot the stores arbitrarily, they totally defied the law.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Slang: 吃饱了撑的 😓- Do Silly Things With Extra Energies

吃饱了撑的, literal meaning- the stomach is stretched after eating too much. It's used for blame people did silly things with their extra energies because they have nothing else to do. Those people never worry about the food while other people work hard to avoid starvation.

e.g. 他天天摆弄他的自行车,结果把车弄坏了。真是吃饱了撑的。
He fiddled with his bicycle every day, and ended up breaking it. It's silly.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Idiom: 画蛇添足 🐍 Gild the Lily🌷

画蛇添足, The literal meaning : draw the legs to the snake. The extended meaning --something are unnecessarily added to a well done job, which caused things imperfect even wrong. It's similar to English idiom "Gild the lily".

e.g. 你的文章前部分都很好,只是最后一段有点画蛇添足,我建议你刪掉。
Your article looks good except the last paragraph, it seems to gild the lily. I suggest deleting it.

Monday, August 3, 2020

“闹” Multiple Meanings

Nào,basic meaning - noisy, making noise.
e.g. 这个孩子有点闹人。This kid is a little bit noisy.
e.g. 这两人因为小事大闹了一场。Two guys have a big fight over a trivial matter.

But  has another meanings as well.

闹肚子, meaning - stomach upset.
e.g. 他不习惯喝牛奶,每次喝完牛奶就闹肚子。He isn't used to drink milk, he feels stomach upset after drinking milk every time.

闹离婚,meaning - fighting for divorce.
e.g. 那对夫婦正在闹离婚。That couple is getting divorced.

闹革命,it's a political term in China, meaning - join the revolution against the opposite party before CCP seized the power in mainland of China in 1949.
e.g. 毛年轻时就开始闹革命。Mao joined the revolution when he was young.

得不开心,不舒服,meaning - feeling upset because of something or someone.
e.g. 他因为没被升职跟上司闹得很不开心。He's upset by his superior over not being promoted.

得慌,a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
e.g. 疫情让人閙得慌。The pandemic makes people anxious.

闹水灾,flooding; 闹旱灾, drought; 闹虫灾,Pest infestation; 瘟疫pandemic. 闹 in these compound words mean - occur, happen.
e.g. 中国最近闹水灾很严重。The floods hit China severely recently.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Slang:空手套白狼 To Gain lots of Money Without any Investment

空手套白狼(Kōngshǒu tào báilàng) original meaning is: caught the wolf without any tool but the empty hands.  It's an analogy to someone gained lots of money without any Investment. Mostly those businesses are at a high risk, the ways they used are illegal or from the gaps of the law.

e.g. His company doesn't have any assets but he earned his first budget of god by reselling the imported car quotas. 

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Slang: 有两把刷子

有两把刷子(having tow brushes), meaning-possession of the means or skill to do something.

e.g.   This company almost went out of business, but it has been recovered after the new manager took over, he's a competent person.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Only Animals Are Happy Now 现在只有动物最高兴

突然而来的suddenly瘟疫the plague席卷全球has spreading in the whole world,原来it turns out最可怕的the most terrible thing不是isn't大而有形的big and visible物种species,而是but小而无形的the tiny and invisible病毒virus,它it's在短短的两三个月in 2-3 months period就让let整个地球the globe停摆shut down,人类human对其毫无感知时even don't it's approaching就染疫毙命lives gone by contracting this Covid-19,它的恐怖its horror在于is in杀人于无形killing human invisibly

现在right now也许perhaps只有only野生动物the wild animalsare最快乐的了the most happy one,它们they终于finally收复了occupied失地the lost land,可以canon空荡的大街the empty street撒欢play,没有no人类的human's噪音noisy和环境污染and environmental pollution,它们的its世界world恢复了is recovered往日的with the past美好good time

🙏好人平安Be safe to all good guys

Friday, January 31, 2020

Express your symptoms when you got sick 自我描述病情

* Matched colors refer related words in each phase.

MD:    Where do you feel uncomfortable?
医生 感觉 哪里 不舒服
Yīshēng: gǎnjué nǎlǐ shūfú

patient: running nose, fever, cough, sore throat, dizziness.
Bìngrén: Liú bíshuǐ, fārè, késòu, hóulóng tòng, tóuyūn

MD: You've got the flu, need to get the flu vaccine, take medicine, drink lots of water, and get some rest.
医生 流感 了, 需要 打 流感疫苗吃药 休息。
Yīshēng: liúgǎnle, xūyào dǎ liúgǎn yìmiáo, chīyào, duō shuǐ, xiūxí

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Lunar Year of Rat🐭 鼠年 Learn some words

*Matched colors refer the related words in each phase.

This year is Chinese lunar year of the Rat.
今年中国 阴历
Jīn nián Shì Zhōngguó Yīnlì shǔ nián

But it's hard to say---- Happy New Year
Dàn nányǐ shuō xīnnián kuàilè

because coronavirus breaks out from Wuhan, China,
 因  为  中国武汉 爆发 冠状病毒
Yīn wéi zhōngguó wǔhàn bàofā guānzhuàng bìngdú

and spreads out speedily,
并且 速地 传播
Bìngqiě kuàisù dì chuánbò

everyone wear face mask  at public place,
Měi gèrén dōu zài gōnggòng chǎngsuǒ dài kǒuzhào

or self-lockdown at home to avoid the infection
Huò Zìwǒ guān zài jiābìmiǎn gǎnrǎn

No more new year celebrations at all.
Wánquán méiyǒu xīnnián qìngzhù huódòng

Pray for health 🙏
Wèi jiànkāng qídǎo